About Cybertango

We help you find the right cybersecurity solution to tango with!

Cybertango is a cybersecurity directory brought to you by Antaviana where we intend to provide an easy way to find any cybersecurity vendor in the market. Our directory contains 1,300+ cybersecurity vendors around the globe searchable by cybersecurity field of specialization, location and more. Our goal is to help you sort through the available cybersecurity technology and providers and find exactly what you need.

Are you a Cybersecurity vendor?

We would like for Cybertango to be the most accurate, up to date and reliable source of information for anyone searching for cybersecurity solutions and that is why we welcome with open arms any new cybersecurity vendors that would like to submit their corporate information and tell us about their security products and solutions. Search our directory and if your company is not yet listed, please make sure to submit your information; and try to summarize all your company’s offerings. If your company is already listed, you will find an edit option at the bottom of your corporate information that you can use to update your corporate information at any time. In both cases, please use a valid corporate email when submitting any request.

About Antaviana

We are a web development studio based near Barcelona, Spain specializing in building online platforms and web applications. With over 20 years of experience our team consists of senior developers with a coding background and strong geeky flavor ;-) We are passionate about coding and designs that aim to deliver outstanding results for our clients by taking the time to understand each project communications objectives and align these with each audience. We develop targeted digital strategies and engaging content sites through our team of experienced designers and programmers combining user-friendly design with stellar coding. When we get bored, we enjoy launching new platforms such as Cybertango, Cloudtango and other IT-related platforms. For more information, please check our website.

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